Workshops & Events

Rediscover your executive purpose, focus, and achieve a reboot breakthrough.

Join a workshop

Gain utter clarity on how to turn around your current situation.

Clearly identify a specific end goal, or measurable performance target

Identify the WHY. Understand whats going on from a new perspective. Understand the impact of it,  optimize your communication, and reboot your strategy for both immediate, and future breakthroughs.

Develop an elevator pitch with complete clarity, for effective communications about this. Either to pitch to yourself in private every morning for self motivation, or to express what you need, to those who need to hear it.

All this from ONE conversation at this event.

Create a follow-up structure for accountability, to ensure continued, measurable, success.

Breakthrough Coaching For Corporate Executives

Friday, 28th February 2025
Sheffield, United Kingdom
9.00 am to 17.30 pm
Doors open for registration 8.30 am
Location : Sheffield

Breakthrough Coaching For Corporate Executives

Friday, 07 March 2025
London, United Kingdom
09.00 am to 17.30 pm
Doors open for registration 8.30 am
Location: London

These workshops are fast-paced and start promptly. Please arrive early. It’s an intensive, interactive experience. Be ready to participate fully, from start to finish.

For early advice of 2025 events in the United Kingdom, and United States, please join the enewsletter.
