When A Techie High Performer Meets Unchartered Leadership Needs
December 2, 2024How To Reboot Unsuccessful Leadership Outcomes
December 2, 2024Successful leaders can be at many levels in a progression to being the best they can be.
Are you in a leadership position holding responsibility for outcomes, and want to do better?
Or you’re being persuaded or promoted to a leadership position?
Possibly you aspire to being a leader, with a vision of what you’re aiming for.
You might be a hard bitten experienced person, and recognize a fresh approach might be needed.
It can be difficult to get help or feedback, and you need total confidentiality.
Whereever you are on the path of leadership is where we start.
All effective leaders have certain behaviours in common.
A Successful Executive Leader Has Specific Goals Each Day
Seed the outcomes you want in the mind’s eye each day.
Be conscious, personally, of what you’re going for each day.
Write it down in detail if it helps.
Seed the feelings you want to have about this experience.
Set the tone for you, and the team, in your mind.
Be inspiring in your focus, drive, and effective communication. Learn to enable others powerfully to demonstrate their unique and valuable contributions to the collective team effort. The more you co-ordinate the team effectively, the more likely you will achieve what you envisioned.
When you are the leader, you are ‘the one’ that makes it happen.
Effective Leadership Communication Starts With You
Be effective with yourself first.
This is the place to work with a coach to be the most personally effective leader you can be.
Decision-making goes well when you’re ‘on the ball’ inside yourself.
You’re being awake, intentional, with a good attitude.
You know where you’re going, what you believe in, and your outcomes are very specific.
Manifesting outcomes starts in your minds eye
As you develop skills of daily manifestation, your leadership comes with steady, calm, belief.
Team management is a doddle with an intentional leader, who owns self belief, and internal focus.
The key to leadership success is to seed what you want.
Others seed what they want to do with you too.
They’re influenced, even unconsciously, by your example of behaviour.
You set the tone.
That’s how to create successful, invincible, team leadership.
What are your leadership goals today?
What’s the business day going to look like by the end of play?
What is the measurable way you know the goals hit target?
How clear is that?
Do you believe that’s what you’ll achieve?
What obstacles do you perceive that need to be overcome?
How is that going to happen?
What is it going to feel like when you reach the goals?
What’s the business day going to look like by the end of play?
Effective Communication Starts With Purpose
Are we consciously aware of your own individual purpose as the executive leader?
When we envision what we want to achieve, are we self-centred, or do we see the big picture?
In our vision outcomes, do they meet purpose outcomes of employers, and meet their expectations?
Are we living up to expectations of internal, and external, promoters?
Are we creating a personal leadership purpose, daily, that enhances opportunities for team members to perform, for them to perform really, really well?
How wide, encompassing, and inclusive, is the purpose in your our daily plan?
How inspiring is that to those who aspire to be Executive Leaders like us?
The Truth about Leadership
Everything we create comes from the mind.
Learn how that works.
Learn how to understand that even the events and results we don’t want, we can handle.
We can change outcomes we don’t want by changing within.
We can welcome things we didn’t want as a way to learn something, and turn them into positives.
The world we create every day is a mirror.
What we are thinking, consciously or unconsciously, is the outcome we get.
If we want to change the outcomes we’re getting, to be something different, get in touch.
Coaching helps us create differently, to be influential, to change to outcomes we really want.