
About Margaret-Jane Howe C-executive Leadership Value

What is my core business offering? M-J’s Unique Service Proposition (USP)

I bridge human and financial situations with the technical aspects of real world engineering, software, leadership, and innovation.

This is a business consultancy practice with hands on experience of these issues.

A track record of success.

And an ability to cause others to rise to their potential performance level.

A lady with focus, who always delivers, creating systems and outcomes that serve financiers, employees, and customers, while imparting new skills and strategies to empower others to lead with confidence.

“M-J is experienced with complex situations that stump other people. She has unique methods of strategic development, project management, and corporate turnarounds.”
Director, Entrepreneur Innovation

“She does not focus on chargeable hours without communicating information. She works on imparting skills and knowledge, holding others to account, and inspiring others to ‘go for it’.”
Founder, digital design and development

She has twenty plus years of senior executive and director experience to add value to you by fast hone-in gap assessment, aided by her associates when required. Straight forward feedback is given to board and c-executive leaders. The focus is on what results you want, and how to get changed results.

On request C-executives are coached to drive their own path to add value to the business. Quantifiable business goals are agreed at the outset. Performance measures are delivered during the contract and thereafter. We aim to have you continue to add value to your business and your career on-going.

Improve C-Executive Communication Competence

Leaders have impact on the organization depending on their communication competence. C-executive communication competence is a very broad term.

Executives speak to board members, other executives, managers, employees, customers and financiers. They may speak to them on-to-one, address a meeting, negotiate between parties, or prepare and present reports. This in itself doesn’t demonstrate communication competence. C-executive communication competence requires excellent skills at all these – plus business savvy, respect for others, and self-confidence.

A results based focus appeals to the Finance Director and the Technical Director, for example. Process driven roles like these are accountable for measurable results. We can improve these results radically by improving communication competence.

We can ask enlightened questions about reports which raise questions no one ever thought to ask before. These kinds of questions uncover untapped potential, tag unidentified risk which needs mitigation, improves strategic direction, and strategy implementation. Often, answers to such questions immediately start to improve communication gaps. When the right questions are asked, people speak up, executives listen, workplace and business to business communication improvement ideas emerge.

With board level strategy review, 360 degree assessment feedback, personal profile assessments, and situational assessments, new understandings emerge. Motivations, renewed group purpose, and organizational needs unfold. The right questions reveal obvious answers previously hidden. These kinds of exercises are fast, and begin immediately to generate results which include improved communication among people within the organization.

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